Clover Nails

on Sunday, March 10, 2013

This will be a very quick post, but will require to take a longer time to do this clover nail.
I always think that clovers are cute! And it means lucky !!
So i hope me and everyone will be lucky in this 2013, not too late, it is just beginning of March!!

Lets get started !!
What you need: scotch tape, dotting tools, and green polish !!

Yes, if you are a huge fan of Michelle Phan, I am sure you will know this technique of her to create the happy clouds nails! At the first time, I want to directly draw clover on my nails, but i found it was difficult and easy to mess it up, it also very hard to get "symmetrical clover". Then suddenly I just think of this technique, decided to try it out and it worked!!

So basically you need a scotch tape, paste it on the flat surface.
Then you want to create two little dots with your dotting tools

Then use a smaller dotting tools to pull down and create a heart shape
then do as many as you can !!!!

Then you need to wait it until completely dry 

After all are dry, then you need to pull out the scotch tape and paste it back, you will find some of the heart will leave the surface of the scotch tape (sorry, did not manage to take picture of it)  and it will be easier for you to pick it up using tweezers.

Directly paste on your nails finish off with you top coat !
, and here is the result
i am using "kyoto pearl" from OPI as the base colour, it is a sheer, translucent white color and I think it fits with my clover !!

1) The hears shape does not need to be prefect, but the size must be same
2) You really need to wait the heart to be dry, then you can easily pick up, for me I waited about 30-40 minutes.

Hope you enjoy this post and may the lucky follow you!!!!

Nikon 1 J2

on Thursday, February 7, 2013
Hi there!
Normally I snapped my photos with my phone/itouch's camera cause I don't own a good camera. So the quality of the images are not good, so normally i will spend more time on editing the colour of the images than writing on the post in order to "enhance" my pictures
But recently I found a new camera by Nikon. It is Nikon 1 J2
 So what is special about this camera?
It has a function called creative mode, basically you select your desired effect from 8 optioned offered.
One of the effects is called selective colour
This effect will allow you to select certain colour and other become black and white, for example :
from this

to this

Seems interesting right?
Can you imagine this picture is also using the"selective colour" effect?
it will be more cool and fashionable right??

Another interesting featured is called advanced hybrid AF system.
I don't know other people but I have biggest problem when snap a picture is that the picture is different from what I expected. And this is caused by when I snap the pictures, I will move or blink my eyes or i can't maintain the expression that I want.
But with this function, the camera will track the moving subject with the high speed auto-focus  so that you won't miss any memorable moment and you can snap it into a photo!

Everyone can snap a hi-fashion photo with this camera !!
If you want to know more about Nikon 1 J2 camera, you find out more at here!!

see you at the next post !!

DIY KittyHeadband

on Sunday, December 16, 2012

probably you have seen a lot of kitty headband lately
and i saw when watching a Taiwan show called "女人我最大"
And I saw this :

yes ! she is Tsubasa Masuwaka!! How adorable she is ! You know what she is already a mother of a child ! But she still can maintain her body and cuteness!
So I found the kitty headband is so cute and decided to DIY it (because i cannot find it at my place)

Here are the things that you need :

First step : Draw a cat ear shape on cardboard  and cut it !

Second step : Shape the wire accordingly

Third step : Paint the wire black with black nail polish
Sorry for the quality , i don't owe a good camera :/
Paint for every sides and allow it to dry before move on to the next step!
and you will get something like this :

tips :
this is for wrapping on the headband
 it is easier to maintain the ear shape by not holding the ear part

then the next step is picking up your selection beads
in this case, i am using beads that is for nails >,<
and i bought it at daiso
It came with several sizes and i use the smaller size one
but now i found it is better to use the bigger one as is it more visible when taking photo with it

Next step is glue the beads to the headband
and this is what i do
I squeeze a little bit of glue on a paper then using the tweezers to pick up the beads and dip a bit of glue then glue it to the headband
this is much easier and clean rather than you directly put the glue on the beads
(another low quality camera)

so then you will get something like this
ta daah :
as i mentioned before, it is better to use the bigger beads
see it is hard to spot on the beads 

The very last step :
wrap it on your headband
and this is how i wrap :S

and you are done  :)
I know it might not be durable but at least it is quite cute :p

almost invisible in a white background
and hoping my face getting smaller LOL

fatty cheeks

hahahah, this one is the best and i decided to post in on instagram 
(follow me @helenkoru :P)
so thanks for reading !!!

Pink French Nails

on Saturday, November 3, 2012

Yes, another nails design !
Instead of using white, I am using soft pink with a little bit of shimmering polish to create the french tip and I am using scotch tape to help me, it is very easy and you definitely won't mess up !
I love it cause it made me feel more princess-ish and glamorous!

  1. First you need the scotch tape and what you need to do is paste it below your tip

2. Then you want to apply the base coat on your tip
3. Apply the the polish (you can choose any color that you prefer)
4. Wait it to completely dry.
5. Peel off the scotch tape (you may keep the scotch tape and use it on your another hand)
6. Use cotton bud dip into clear water clean the glue that left on your nails
7. Apply to coat and your are done ! :)

( okay, my hair is in a mess when I do my nail XD)

so I hope you enjoy my quick tutorial !

Pink Leopard Nails

on Saturday, September 15, 2012

I am not a person who crazy about leopard prints. 
But when i saw this image, It is SUPER CUTE ! You may think it is complicated, you are wrong! It is super easy, all you need to do is only dotting.
And I decided to give it a try, so here are the few steps :

1. Things you need : 

- Your favorite base and top coat
- Light pale pink nail polish
- Baby pink nail polish
- Dark chocolate nail polish
- Dotting tools/pen/back of the makeup brush

2. Prep your nails with base coat !
I am using OPI start to finish base & top coat.
As the name stated, you can use it as base coat and also top coat!
But sadly, I dropped this after i finished the nails and the bottle was cracked, i wont be able to use it and need to buy a new one TT

3. Paint your nails with the light pale pink polish

2. Create a few spots using the tip of the brush

what you need to do is only using the brush directly dot on the nails, and you get something like this :

3. Create bracket or "C"
After the dots are completely dry, using the the dotting tools to create bracket on the spots that we did in the step 2.

create a few dots and dot around the baby pink until it achieved the "C" shape

It will end up like bracket

you don't need to be perfect, just make some irregular "C" shapes
on this step, you may refer to the image of leopard prints!

4. Fill in the gap
You may find some areas are not filled, you add more "C" shapes to fill in the gap! 

5. Apply your top coat to protect the design and FINISH!

Aren't they adorable?

Here are some few tips from me :
1. Try to do from your pinky nails to you thumbs , you will find out why
2. You don't need to be perfect. The more irregular of your dots, it will be more look alike with the leopard prints ! (so I found my right hand's nails better than the left hand)
3. I suggest to create bigger baby pink dots, because if you created a very small baby pink dot, it won't be visible after surrounded by the dark chocolate polish.

So thanks for reading my blog. Get your polishes, go creative and rock it with other colours !